A la mémoire de l'atlète haitien du 20ème siècle: Emmanuel Sanon
Documentaire :Audio/Vidéo
Nous avons appris avec beaucoup de consternation, la triste nouvelle de la mort de notre héros national Emmanuel Sanon , l'atlète haitien du 20ème siècle, survenue après une longue maladie courageusement supportée. En cette pénible circonstance, Haiti d'Outre-Mer, le staff de Haiti Connexion Network et de Radio Haiti Connexion présentent leurs condoléances émues à sa femme Suzie Sanon et ses enfants ; aux parents, amis et alliés affectés par cette lourde perte.
En cette douloureuse circonstance nous présentons un bref résumé de notre grand héros national, qui a porté l'étendard de notre bicolore bien haut lors de la coupe du monde à Munick( Allemagne) en 1974. A noter que Manno Sanon était un membre très actif du forum Haiti Connexion.
Ci-joint un résumé qui nous a été soumis dans les colonnes de Haiti Connexion par Lemane Vaillant et réadapté par Haiti Connexion.
Emmanuel Sanon
25 Juin 1951 - 21 Février 2008
Emmanuel Sanon - Haitian Soccer Player, member of 1974 Haitian National Team who participated in the world cup in Munich, Germany
In four years Manno Sanonscored 47 of the 106 goals scored by the Haitian national team
Emmanuel Sanon was born on June 25th, 1951, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Son of Darius Sanon, from Jacmel, and Cherisna Fortune Sanon, from Kenscoff.
Attended Fabre Geffrard Primary School, Lycee Firmin & Lycee de Petion-Ville Secondary School

Sanon made his name as a striker with the Don Bosco club of Petionville.
In 1973 the Haitian Football Federation successfully lobbied for the CONCACAF World Cup qualifying tournament to be staged in Port-au-Prince.
The favourites, Mexico and Trinidad, were eclipsed by the young Haitian team, and Sanon's goals propelled his team to the top of the group. Haiti became the first Caribbean team to qualify for the World Cup Finals.
The 1974 World Cup Finals in West Germany were contested by just 16 teams.
Haiti's first game, against the 1970 runners up, Italy, took place in Munich in front of 65,000 spectators. 0-0 at half time, but within two minutes of the restart, Sanon claimed his place in World Cup history, and in the hearts of Haitian fans, by giving Haiti the lead against the legendary Italian goalkeeper, Dino Zoff.
Hugh McIlvanney, of The Observer newspaper wrote "Emmanuel Sanon, a powerfully built and spiritedly aggressive forward from Port-au-Prince, did what some of the greatest players in the world had failed to do in Zoff's 12 previous games for Italy." The Haitian team lost the game, and their two others against Poland and Argentina, but Sanon had become a star.
In four years he scored 47 of the 106 goals scored by the Haitian national team, and he went on to enjoy a successful career with Beershcoot of Antwerp, at that time a force in Belgian football.
One of Manno's Interviews
Manno Sanon's goals put Haiti on the footballing map when, in 1974, it became the first Caribbean nation to qualify for the World Cup finals.
Manno recalls the euphoria and tensions after Mexico's failure to beat Trinidad in the qualification tournament played in Port-au-Prince meant Haiti were through to the finals in West Germany, "It was the first time a small country like Haiti had qualified for the World Cup.
Manno Sanon, Philippe Vorbe, Ernst Jn-Joseph at the 1973 Concacaf in Mexico.
At that time there were only 16 teams in the tournament, so it was quite something. The night we knew we had qualified, well, the country was upside down. It was crazy."The team's first game was against Italy, finalists in 1970, and led by goalkeeper Dino Zoff who had just completed 12 consecutive internationals without conceding a goal.
Manno's Goal on Argentina
The Haitian team surpassed all expectations by holding Italy to 0-0 in the first half. Two minutesintothe second half, Manno shocked everyone but himself.
"With my pace, you can't leave me with just one defender, but that is what happened. I was one-on-one with Spinosi. I received a pass from Phillipe Vorbe. I beat the defender with my speed.
One-on-one with Dino Zoff, and the goal was wide open. I dummied to go left, and then went right. I rounded him, and rolled the ball into the net."

Goal of Manno Sanon where he shocked Italy and the world
Let's watch the historic video
Manno Sanon félicité par le gardien italien Dino Zoff
The team lost its two other matches with Poland and Argentina, but Manno's goal against Zoff had made him a star. After the tournament he signed for the Antwerp club, Beerschoot, at that time a force to be reckoned with in Belgian football.ATHLETIC CAREER AMATEUR:
64-65 Championship winner 4th division
65-66 Championship winner 2nd divsision
66-67 Vice champion interschool
67-68 Championship winner interschool tourn.
67-68 Top scorer Juvenil national team
68-69 Championship winner interschool tourn.
69-70 Championship winner 1st division
69-70 Vice champion Concacaf
71 Vice champion Concacaf
73 Championship winner Concacaf
74 Participated in the World Cup in Germany (scored against Italy, broke Dino Zoff record held for two years ), scored against Argentina
77 Vice champion Concacaf
74-75 Beerschoot Athletic Club (Anvers,Belgium)
76-77 Winner Antwerpen Cup (MVP)
79-80 Championship Winner Belgium Cup (MVP)
80-81 Miami Americans (USA) (4 times voted MVP of the week All stars celect team)
81-82 Semi finalist Soccer Bowl (NASL)
81-82 Championship winner Indoor soccer (NASL)
82-83 Semi finalist Soccer Bowl (NASL)
82-83 Championship winner Indoor Soccer (NASL)
76-80 Beerschoot youth program
80-84 San Diego Sockers community program
83-84 Ass.Coach Chula Vista High
84-85 Head Coach Chula Vista High
85-86 Head Coach Scondido High
86-87 Head Coach Buena Vista High (San Diego)
87-88 Ass. Coach Capitol Soccer Club (Austin, Tx)
88-97 Head Coach Midland Blast Soccer Club
99-00 Head Coach Haitian National Team
04-05 Coach U 16 Ajax Orlando
Advanced National Diploma ( NCAA )
License "B" (USSF)
French License ( FFF )
Writer of two books (Biographies),Manno Sanon "Toup Pou Yo"
1999 : Voted Haitian Athlete of the Century
2003-2004,Coordinator of Ambassadeur Program (OCPS)
2003-2004, Parents / Students liaison ( OCPS )
For more information on his career be sure to purchase his book:
Imprimé au Canada • 2001 • Achat en ligne

Les Funérailles de Manno Sanon
Orlando (Florida) Port-au-Prince (Haiti)
Sources : Lemane Vaillant, http://www.foutbol.com/ , http://www.haitiantreasures.com/HT_threat_sanon.htm, Tele Image TV Show
Adaptation: Herve Gilbert de HaitiConnexion / 02-21-08