Saturday, November 30, 2013

Martelly dans le collimateur d'un éditorialiste dominicain

Président Michel Martelly
Le président haitien Martelly est accusé par Ricardo Pérez Fernandez dans l'article ci-dessous d'être un rusé qui utilise des moyens machiavéliques pour tromper le monde et ses adversaires politiques. En fait cet éditorialiste de Listin Diario pense que les dirigeants de son pays devrait apprendre de Martelly que ces derniers ont sous-estimé. Face à ce Martelly dont on s'était moqué du fait de son manque d'expérience, la Dominicanie parait inerte, naîve, estime l'éditorialiste. Le gouvernement haitien selon lui a utilisé des subterfuges pour faire passer la Dominicanie comme le pays agresseur, obtenant par ces moyens sa victoire devant la Caricom...
Un article qui montre que les ultra-nationalistes vont maintenant réagir avec beaucoup plus de vigueur pour faire passer les victimes de la Cour dominicaine comme des illégaux qui envahissent de préférence leur pays.

Carl Gilbert (lisez plutôt). Utilisez le Google Translate ou le Microsoft translator pour une traduction, approximative il est vrai, de l'article de Fernández.

Hay que aprender de Martelly
Ricardo Pérez Fernández
En las últimas semanas, el presidente de Haití Michel Martelly ha demostrado que, muy al contrario de lo que algunas mofas sobre su pretérito artístico buscan destacar, y batiendo aquellas voces que lo subestiman por algunas de sus aparentes torpezas, sus dotes de político bribón y ladino han resultado aleccionadores para una República Dominicana que luce inerte, despistada y ajena a la potencial gravedad de la situación.
En Junio del año en curso,  en una acción materializada a tan solo horas de haber plantado de manera simbólica --y ahora sabemos, de manera descarada-- un árbol en Juana Méndez, Haití, junto al presidente Danilo Medina, sellando un compromiso conjunto de reforestación y protección de los recursos naturales de la isla, nuestros diarios daban la noticia de que habían sido prohibidas las importaciones de carnes, animales vivos (pollos) y huevos provenientes de la República Dominicana, debido a un rebrote del virus H1N1, mejor conocido como la gripe aviaria.  
Tiempo después, la ministra de salud haitiana decía que las autoridades reconocían no haber estado bien informadas sobre el tipo de gripe prevaleciente en la República Dominicana, y que ellos nunca habían hablado de gripe aviar. No. Que eso había sido un simple error de “redacción” de los medios.
A tan sólo semanas de aquel insultante episodio, el Consejo de Ministros de Haití aprobó un decreto que prohibía la producción, importación, comercialización y uso en cualquier formato, de bolsas de polietileno y de envases de polietileno expandido, afectando con ello, principalmente, la industria dominicana de dicho rubro. Como en el caso de la veda a carnes, pollos y huevos, tampoco esta decisión les generó consecuencia alguna. No sabemos a ciencia cierta las razones reales que originaron las acciones precedentes, posiblemente tuvieron que ver con la protección de algunos de sus empresarios; o como un perverso incentivo a potenciales inversionistas. Pero, lo que sí es lógico colegir es que ninguna de las dos se pudieron haber tomado sin el conocimiento, y muy probablemente sin el consentimiento, del presidente Martelly.
El enemigo que unifica
El presidente Martelly, ese que sigue siendo subestimado por sus adversarios, ha demostrado un entendimiento cabal de los principios elementales de la supervivencia política. Enfrentado una crisis in crescendo, impulsada por diversos sectores de la sociedad haitiana que exigen su dimisión, este ha recurrido al sempiterno maestro de la argucia y astucia política, Nicolás Maquiavelo, y ha ejecutado a pie juntillas una de sus axiomáticas prescripciones: para gobernar, se hace preciso identificar un enemigo externo, y vincular los enemigos internos a éste, unificando así al pueblo en torno al detentor del poder, llamado a proteger la nación.
Ese enemigo, sin lugar a dudas, lo personifica la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional 168/13, y en pos de la solidificación de ese enemigo, Martelly ha demostrado no parar mientes a las más básicas de las consideraciones.
Antes de agotar las avenidas diplomáticas de rigor, ha decidido enviar a su canciller Pierre Richard Casimir por el mundo, a desprestigiar y a difamar a la República Dominicana con bulos que rayan en lo absurdo, como decir que se están registrando deportaciones masivas, y que se desnacionalizarán a más de 200mil haitianos. De igual manera, tras extensos y extenuantes periplos para calumniar e injuriar, aceptan con sarcásticas sonrisas firmar un pacto para poner fin a las rebatiñas públicas y priorizar el diálogo entre nuestros países, sólo para incumplirlo, al más alto nivel, en 24 horas; nada más y nada menos que con un discurso presidencial antes los miembros del CARICOM.
Pero lo más irónico de todo es esto último; que hayan acudido al CARICOM para ventilar un problema de corte migratorio, cuando el propio CARICOM, a pesar de contemplar la libre movilidad de ciudadanos calificados entre sus 15 miembros (Y Haití es uno de ellos), deporta año tras año ciudadanos haitianos, bajo subterfugios técnicos como el de calificarlos como “refugiados” en lugar de “migrantes”.
Sin embargo, no debería de sorprendernos la estrategia injerencista mimetizada por una reconocida propensión a la autovictimización; porque aunque en algunos capítulos históricos hayan tenido razón, no ha sido siempre, y los haitianos, desde siempre, nos han presentado ante el mundo como sus victimarios y como los culpables de muchos de sus infortunios. Mucho menos debe de sorprendernos su incumplimiento a lo pactado con nuestras autoridades; con ellos, la excepción se registra cuando cumplen lo acordado. Ahora bien, ¿Qué el presidente Martelly, neófito en el arte de lo posible, esté dando cátedras de alta política en el posicionamiento de su país, a una clase supuestamente experimentada y habilidosa de políticos dominicanos? Eso sí que provoca sorpresa.
El autor es economista y politólogo

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving : Histoire et Traditions.

par:Herve Gilbert

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Cdernier jeudi du mois de Novembre, les américains se réunissent en famille pour partager la traditionnelle dinde  rôtie de Thanksgiving, le fameux ("Pumpkin Pie"), la tarte à la citrouille et le  gâteau au potiron. Dans le cadre de cette grande commémoration, Haiti Connexion Network souhaite un "Happy Thanksgiving" à ses milliers d'amis vivant aux Etats-Unis.

Thanksgiving est une journée d'action de grâces pour remercier les Indiens et le Ciel d'avoir permis aux premiers pèlerins venus d'Angleterre de s'installer et de vivre sur le sol américain grâce aux bonnes récoltes qu'ils ont pu y faire. 
Les pèlerins se sont établis à Plymouth Rock le 11 decembre 1620. Leur premier hiver fut dévastateur. Au début de l'automne suivant, 46 étaient morts sur les 102 qui étaient venus sur le "Mayflower". Mais, la moisson de 1621 fut une des plus réussies si bien que les colonisateurs restant décidèrent de la fêter. Cette agape était plus qu'une traditionnelle "fête de la moisson" à l' anglaise au lieu d'une vraie thanksgiving. Cela dura 3 jours.

Cette fête de "Thanksgiving" ne fut pas reproduite l'année suivante. Mais, en 1623, lors d'une sécheresse sévère, les pilgrims se regroupèrent pour prier et invoquer la pluie. 

Tarte à la citrouille ou
Pumpkin Pie
Quand leur prière fut exaucée  le jour suivant le Gouverneur Bradford proclama un nouveau jour de Thanksgiving, invitant à nouveau les Indiens. Ensuite, ce ne fut pas avant Juin 1676 qu'un autre jour de "Thanksgiving" fut proclamé.
Octobre 1777 fut la première fois où les 13 colonies se joignirent pour célèbrer un "thanksgiving": c'était pour commémorer leur victoire contre les Anglais à Saratoga.

Ensuite, ce fut George Washington qui proclama une journée nationale de "Thanksgiving" en 1789, bien que certains y étaient opposés. De la discorde régnait au sein des colonies; plusieurs pensaient que les croyances de quelques Pilgrims ne méritaient pas qu'on y consacre un jour national. Plus tard, le président Thomas Jefferson rigola à l'idée d'avoir un "Thanksgiving day".

Gateau au potiron
Ce fut Sarah Josepha Hale, une éditrice de revue, qui contribua fortement à l'instauration d'un "Thanksgiving Day". Hale écrivit de nombreux articles défendant sa cause dans ses magasines. Finalement c'est en 1863, que le Président Lincoln proclama le dernier Jeudi du mois de Novembre journée nationale de Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving fut célébrée par chaque président après Lincoln. La date changea de temps en temps, elle fut notamment modifiée par Franklin Roosevelt, qui l'instaura une semaine à compter du dernier jeudi du mois de manière  à prolonger la saison de shopping de Noel. Le public protesta  contre cette décision au point que le président l'eût remise à sa date originale 2 ans plus tard .
Président Obama gracie une dinde en présence de ses filles
Sasha et Malia à la Maison Blanche le 27 Novembre 2013
C'est durant la présidence de Franklin Delano Roosevelt, en 1941, que Thanksgiving fut finallement déclarée "legal holiday" par le Congrès et fut instaurée le 4ème jeudi du mois de Novembre... La corporation des éleveurs américains de dinde a l'habitude de presenter un volatile au president depuis l'époque d'Harry Truman, après la seconde guerre mondiale. Mais ce n'est que depuis Georges Bush père, en 1989, que les presidents ont pris l'habitude d'exercer leur droit de grâce sur un oiseau. 

Le côté religieux joue une part moins importante qu'autrefois; les réunions de famille sont de circonstance. Les invités peuvent apporter des plats pour la célébration mais surtout pas de cadeaux . 


Que les pèlerins en aient mangé ou non lors de leur premier Thanksgiving, la dinde est définitivement liée à cette fête. La sauce à la canneberge, et la tarte à la citrouille font elles aussi toujours partie du repas. 

La citrouille est le légume qui sauva les pèlerins durant ce terrible premier hiver et est devenue presque aussi importante que la dinde. 

Le partage du dîner de Thanksgiving avec la dinde est une coutume typiquement américaine. 
Chou rosette
Le chou rosette est riche en calcium et figure en bonne place dans la cuisine du sud des Etats-Unis. Comme leurs consoeurs les feuilles de navet, les feuilles de chou rosette font partie des aliments de base de la plupart des familles du sud. Comme pratiquement tous les plats de cette région, leur préparation exige de la patience. 

La recette :1,3 kg de feuilles de chou rosette en morceaux, coupés ou déchirés 1,5 litre d'eau 2 crosses de porc fumés 1 oignon de taille moyenne, haché Sel et poivre au goût 2 cuillerées à soupe de jus de cornichon à l'aneth 

Mettre l'eau et les jarrets de porc dans une grande marmite ou un faitout. Amener à ébullition à feu vif. Réduire la chaleur et laisser mijoter à feu doux, sans couvercle, pendant deux heures ou jusqu'à ce que les trois quarts de l'eau se soient évaporés et que la viande du jarret de porc se détache de l'os. Ajouter l'oignon et les feuilles de chou propres et laisser les feuilles de chou se recroqueviller. Couvrir et laisser mijoter pendant 45 minutes, jusqu'à ce que les feuilles de chou soient tendres. Ajouter le jus de cornichon à l'aneth juste avant de servir. 

L'histoire du "Thanksgiving" telle que nous venions de vous la raconter est celle que tous les Américains connaissent…. Encore une fois , une bonne journée de Thanksgiving à tous .

Par : Herve Gilbert


Monday, November 11, 2013

Haiti and the era of Rafael Trujillo... (Part 1)

By : Herve Gilbert
Available in Original French Version and  Spanish Version 
Haiti 1937 or memory of a massacre

In today's article we will present a brief description of what was once called in the Dominican Republic as "the  Trujillo era ,"the Dominican dictator who ordered the massacre of over 35,000 Haitians in 1937 in that country. We begin with a short biography of Trujillo and talk about the causes and consequences of that genocide; the shameful and brutal event that harmed his prestige in the entire world.
Brief biography of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo
Rafael Leonidas Trujillo
Rafael Leonidas Trujillo (1891-1961) was a soldier and politician who became Dominican President (1930-1938 , 1942-1952) and real head of state from 1930 to 1961 . We can say that President Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, became president after the military coup that overthrew President Horacio Vasquez after the popular uprising that took place in Santiago, February 23, 1930 , led by Rafael Estrella Ureña his ally and an opponent of Vasquez . Trujillo subtilized the political legacy of Rafael Estrella Ureña and became two months later the military and politician to take the reins of government.
At 39 years old , Rafael Leonidas Trujillo had thus become the president of the Dominican Republic August 16, 1930 , and suddenly had inherited the true heir of the American military intervention. The Dominican army was the mechanism by excellence of his repression and assassinations in order to keep the population under his yoke . He had a bad temper and his smile looked more like a grimace rarely imitated. Trujillo loved the good life, and not a friend of foreign  foods or foreign dishes, he preferred the Creole cuisine of the highest quality. He loved to dance to the sounds of folk music. He drank a lot and often getting drunk with his close friends .
Consequences - Haitian Massacre of 1937
Yes, it is true, it already sounds confusing and like a “déjà -vu” : a nationalist plan in which a race or a group should achieve by force or the extermination of ethnic cleansing , armed contingents , deportations , executions and at the end a small print referring to the impressive number of 35,000 dead in just two weeks epilogue.
The causes of the genocide committed by Trujillo October 2, 1937 have been explained in different ways by different historians , most of which alluded to border conflicts that have occurred in the past and yet apparently had ended on January 21, 1929 by the ratification of a treaty establishing conventional boundaries between the two countries .

For more than a century Haitians penetrated on abandoned farmland by the Dominicans during the time of the First Republic. Many efforts have been made in the nineteenth century to reach an agreement with Haiti . It has never been possible to clarify the issue of border limits. In the Treaty of 1874 , following negotiations , certain rights were granted to Haitians living on land previously claimed by the Dominicans. Meanwhile , in the early twentieth century , an attempt was made to reach a settlement on the limits of the border , which was finalized in 1929, under the government of Horacio Vásquez . But despite having signed on 21 January this year , the treaty on border limits did not include tens of thousands of Haitians who lived and worked as laborers in the sugar industry or as domestic servants in the homes of the family farmers and small traders in the south and in the north- west near the border .
These difficulties were added to other political causes: Dominican President Vasquez was overthrown in 1930, and in the Haitian side , the student revolt became a powerful movement was driven from power on 15 May of the same year President Louis Borno .
Among the various factors that led to the massacre of 1937 include a major aspiration of Trujillo " whitening border. He also wanted to destroy the opposition strongholds that he believed to be in the border areas and, according to him, also sought to invade the Dominican Republic.
President Stenio Vincent  and
President Trujillo in 1934
In November 1934 , Trujillo had visited Port -au- Prince, and in February 1935 , Vincent made ​​his visit to the Dominican Republic. During this last visit an agreement was reached in relation to these conflicts. In the same alliance with President Lescot, Trujillo had taken the decision not to publish or broadcast through Dominicans media in the country, any racist comments may offend Haiti and its government. Among other things, he was decided that the Dominican Republic would yield regions that Haitians had occupied for many years , and to consolidate the agreement was concluded that the way to solve this problem once and for all was to build an international highway which axis " will  be a demarcation between the two states. "

President Vincent accompanied by his Minister E. Lescot
 visit Trujillo in 1935.                                                      
However , Trujillo signed on March 9, 1935 another treaty with Haitian President Sténio Vincent in which some clauses in 1929 had been repealed . However, the agreements signed during this century , as in the past, did not prevent the penetration of Haitians in the Dominican Republic, where even their circulating currency , as in the Cibao and south of Azua . But there are those who want to believe that the Haitian Trujillo committed genocide in order to " purify" the Dominican race near the Dominican border.
However, there is good reason to believe that the causes were also due to his desire to put under his domination Haiti as evidenced by his attempt to bribe General Calixte , Commander of the National Guard of Haiti and then so the President Elie Lescot as well . But we must not forget another factor :the xenophobic impulse that was conveyed by the  Dominican extreme right activists who advocated hatred against Haitian immigrants and also wanted revenge for the occupation of the Dominican Republic by the Government of Boyer.
The massacre was formally started on the night of October 2, 1937 , when the tyrant came to Montecristi , where he was informed of a rumor that suggested that an imminent arrests and executions of its allies in Haiti would occur.  
Note that this genocide was known also under the name * Parsley, a phonetic term that murderers asked victims to decide whether they could pronounced the letter R with a Creole accent or a Dominican accent, a trick that would have been recommended by the Dominican President Rafael Trujillo himself. The latter ordered his troops to carry out the extermination of masses of people of Haitian descent living in the Dominican Republic , especially in farms located along the border between the Dominican Republic and Haiti . The massacre spread to Samana and to the western Cibao area and was carried out with knives, machetes specifically to give the impression that it was a riot between Haitians and Dominicans farmers. The act of Trujillo seemed inexplicable to observers, since he apparently maintained cordial relations with Haiti since 1933. Incidentally Trujillio facilitated European populations immigration in Dominican Republic white skin , especially Jewish immigrants one of his attempts to bleaching of the Dominican population , even by seeking to emigrate Dominican Blacks .
The genocide was carried out by the army with common criminals released for these purposes, began in the last days of September 1937 , and was pursued vigorously until October . For nearly two weeks, they had killed more than 30,000 people , men, women, elderly and children of all ages.
Trujillo and the 1938 elections

Rafael Trujillo's dictatorship is considered one of the
bloodiest in the Americas...                                     

However, the genocide committed against Haitians had received international condemnation prevented Trujillo stand as a candidate in the general election of 1938. The massacre of Haitians , popularly known as " cutting " caused an international scandal that forced Trujillo to negotiate an agreement by which the Dominican government undertook to pay the Haitian government compensation for victims with the government of Haiti . But this action also allowed the Trujillo regime to consolidate its hold on power with a government based on terror.
The tyrant has made ​​it clear when he resigned January 8, 1938 from office and could not be a candidate for president in 1938 , but maintained Jacinto B. Peynado and Manuel de Jesus Troncoso, respectively as president and vice president . And the Dominican Party corroborated this decision in the same direction after announcing to the public that during their party convention on February 28, 1938 they had chosen the binomial Peynado - Troncoso . The electoral farce was mounted and the Dominican Party , as expected got a second " overwhelming " victory. But in 1942 , he returned to power Trujillo and will remain until the date of 31 May 1961 , the day of his assassination committed with the participation directly or indirectly of the CIA, according to information that subsequently circulated in the media. The dictator became an embarrassment to the United States , especially after he orchestrated  the failed assassination of Venezuelan President Romulo Betancourt.
The consolidation of power
The massacre of Haitians , in economic terms, it is advantageous for the Dominican government , as it had pushed up prices of commodities in the country. Which had allowed Trujillo to a good supply of money to take important steps .
In 1946, he faced again with the oppostion movements led by the Socialist Party and the Democratic Youth, but these movements were crushed later with his usual methods of terror across the country. In July 1947 , Trujillo paid in the United States the amount of external debt amounting to the sum of $ 9. 271,855.55 cents. He then created the national currency bearing the effigies of the founders of Duarte, Sanchez and Mella nation.
Economic growth and monopolization

Trujillo welcoming the new President Magloire in
 Santo Domingo in
February 1951.                      
The Trujillo dictatorship experienced economic growth due to policy changes in imports and the process of industrialization has increased after the Second World War with the establishment of food industries , cement , beverage and others.
The sugar industry was also developed under the acquired good prices since 1947 , prompting Trujillo to create with intelligence sugar factories in the country, such as: the central Catarey in Villa Altagracia in 1948, and four years later, in 1952 , bought the factory Edwin Kilbourne Monte Llano , Puerto Plata.
Trujillo has continued his policy of monopolization of sugar from foreign companies. In 1953 he bought the factory Ozama owned by Canadians, Amistad " owned by Puerto Ricans and " Porvenir " the Kelly family.

The situation in the Dominican Republic to the year 1954 was pretty good, exports rose and imports declined significantly. Indeed , imports had risen to 79 million, while exports were in the 112 million.

Trujillo has made his wishes in supporting almost all plants in 1955 when he acquired Barahona ( consuelo ) , Quisqueya , Boca Chica, Las Payas , and Santa Fe for a total of $ 39 million .
In 1947, when Trujillo paid the national debt and created the national currency, he was the richest man in the country . Own businesses, factories, farms and other businesses, the power of the Dominican population was complete. And it also accounted for the army of the nation. Never before in the history of the country - and the continent - a man had concentrated in his hands as much power as Trujillo.

Antonio Imbert is 90. Fifty years ago he was
 one of the seven men who ambushed and kil 
led Rafael Trujillo in May 30, 1961. And he  
said to the press by wearing his military uni-
I shot the cruellest dictator in the Americas

He advocated the cult of his personality. The capital of the Republic took its name , as well as streets, roads , schools, warships , bridges, irrigation canals , Provinces, avenues and busts his image adorned all places public and government buildings. His egotism had grown limitless and it affubla securities chief, Benefactor and father of the new country.
The armed forces consist of the Army , Navy and Air , effective and disciplined force had increased significantly, and their ranks were built by young people from all social sectors of the country, but mainly young people from villages inside having finished their studies in high school.

To be continued ....
* The name Parsley given to this massacre  was to identify the Dominicans of Haitian origin or Haitians in the Dominican mulatto and black population in the border region where police Trujillo requested them to pronounce the name of the parsley plant Spanish ( Perejil ) . As the Creole language spoken by them did not consider the soft pronunciation of the letter "R" (in Haitian Creole parsley word translated " pèsil " and French " persey ") and the dominican police used this method apparently  to target  the Haitian victims for execution.
I have written this article by referring to several credible media sources from the Dominican Republic and with the help of Carl Gilbert in the editing.

This article may be shared, copied or reproduced in its entirety on your site, page or other social media available, but credit must be given in full to Haiti Connection Network, the author, the publisher with their names and emails as published at the bottom of the article.

Author : Herve Gilbert

Dominicans Living And Working In Haiti

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Jocelyne Frédéric-Gauthier - the first black elected to the City of Laval, Quebec

Another star ranking in the Haitian diaspora !!!
Par Max Dorismond
Jocelyne Frédéric-Gauthier
Taciturn, modest, nothing, at first sight, gave us a glimpse of her in politics. Yet, here we are, where nobody hoped,  at the Municipal Council of Laval. As the polling closed at 20:00 o’clock eastern time starts the counting of ballots. At 21:00, Jocelyne Frédéric, the only woman among the eight candidates of the District Auteuil has a lead already over her rivals, Michel Cantin, Pierre Michel Honey, André Desbiens, Daniel Doyon, Guy Garand, Rabih Habib, Vincent Viviani . She leads her way. For the seven contenders, the tension is palpable, the minute's tick too slowly, the word luck is more synonymous and time stretches with a taste of eternity. Midnight, the gap announced previously was maintained with a difference of more than 1500 votes at the expense of the nearest competitor for Frédéric. The die is cast, the whole room rushes to greet, embrace, and congratulate the amazing lady, as the new Municipal Council of Laval. Her score speaks in the statistics of her party, she ranked third among the twenty elected. For the history, she is the first black to occupy one of the 21 seats dedicated to this position to manage the second-larges city in Quebec after Montreal.
 What about Jocelyne Frédérique ?
Jocelyne Frédéric was born in Jeremie, Haiti and married to our friend Julio Gauthier. Mother of two sons, Jean-Marc and Jimmy. She holds a Bachelor of  Art at the University of Quebec and has a background in political science and public administration ENAP ( National School of Public Administration), she led a battle tirelessly within the Movement against Laval mayor Vaillancourt  who took, according to some media, the city in hostage. Frédérique has been an activist in this opposition movement since 2008. Followed the  dismissal of the mayor for corruption and the resignation of the CEO of the Movement, Lydia Aboulian, the party turned to a former candidate of the Parti Québécois, Marc Demers, to take the reins of the group. On November 3rd, after a fierce struggle between the eight competing parties, the Movement Laval wearing the eponymous town with Marc Demers as mayor and twenty advisors including Frédéric. Meanwhile, the new mayor promised to our friend Jocelyn, during a dinner where I was present, an official position in relation to her expertise and public service experiences that she accumulated since 1980 in the Québec to now.

Follow her passion to release and recreate.
Two reasons for my enthusiasm for the success of our friend Jocelyne or any Haitian who shines in other skies. As a natural optimist, I always look on the bright side of things. I never ceased to praise, encourage, help my vis-à-vis to perform, to follow their passion, because passion, as I have written already, is the music that makes life dance.
When a Haitian managed to transcend the boundaries of colonialism syndrome, I applaud with both hands because it is a message of hope for our future generation, a referenced gesture to destroy the complex little niggers hinders of our actions and prevents us to rush to the future that emerges naturally for us to host. Stuck, cramped or dirty on a daily uphill struggle color, class, power that stultified, the Haitian being inherits an unspeakable evil that prevents him from opening to another, enjoying himself. Far from his native land, when he manages to transcend this defect, to discover that he is primarily a colorless human among humans evolving in an environment free from coercion and physical or psychological violence, he performs and recreated beyond all expectations. The evidence is there.
However, in a foreign land, if we live with the unhealthy memories that had haunted us for a part of our existence on the homeland, we will not be useful to our adopted country which really needs our person. Without hypocrisy, our new haven relies heavily on our contribution to its development. Which reminds me of the speech delivered in 2007 by the Prime Minister of Quebec, the Honourable Jean Charest, as an official guest at a dinner of the Young Haitian Chamber of Commerce (JCCH), an organization that recognizes almost every year, the outstanding achievements of young professionals and entrepreneurs Quebec Haitian origin working in all areas of activity of Quebec society and who have distinguished themselves by their outstanding extraordinary journey and their political and social commitment. The motivational words of the Prime Minister, during  this audience of 85% Haitians still echo in my head like a magic formula, a haunting refrain... And I quote: '' Tomorrow belongs to you, the country belongs to you, do not hesitate a moment to take your places. The future is now! ''.
Indeed, it was not a wishful thinking or a demagogic speech. Thousands of our fellows had boarded the train. The dream had become a reality for many of our fellow citizens as well as… Such as the case of Mrs. Frédéric who, without hesitation, took her place to assert her ideas, her beliefs in favor of her adopted city where its citizens have trusted her fully. We wish her all the success in the world in her new career.

Max Dorismond
Laval 5 Nov. 2013